-Fix class reset bug
-Update MR train chance
-Fix PL zombie pit location
-Fix WH in farm tp loop
-Fix TheRapist Dash closeCon
-Change AncientSTone Chance(25%)
-Skill % Training Fix
-Fix Y-Axis Enemy Targeting
-Update Xelima/Merien Item Upgrade
-Improved Latency response
-Add /showdamage - shows last 5 recent damage
-Add /resetdamage - reset your damage list to 0
-Add some halloween affects.
Version (011):
-Help Guide Update(ingame)
-Fix Items-Ground delete after 3hrs
-Fix Ping Mini-Map
-Fix Rare Drop(minior error causing decrase drop rate)
-No Client Timeout
-Client FPS limit(120fps)
-Hunger Bar
-Item ground-limit. 12 item stack
Version (010):
-Client 800x600 Resulotion
-Frame rate performance boost
-Performance boost to improve connection
Version (009):
New - Dark Items for (Archer, and Assassin)
New - Dark Item Shopping menu
New - Shop features (Sort the shop by class and price)
Update - Master Armor Level(140) Items Defence has been changed
Version (008):
New - Send message and items through game mail-box
New - HP bar for party members
Fix - Armor-Stats (Int, Str, Vit, Mag)
Fix - 800x600 resolution
Fix - FriendsList (Show player status)
Fix: 800x600 Snow(on bottom bar)
Fix - Shop discount price.
Fix - Client Crash New - Warning message in shop if item class is mismatch.
Add Spell Timers (Amp/ArrowProtect/Berserk/Invis)
No Cursing in public chat.
MasterBow | 2d8 | 2d9 | NONE | 52 |
Version (007):
Command - "/sellball" take Green/Red/Yellow/Blue/Pearl Ball for account credits.
Command - "/website (URL)" open web browser in game to url.
Command - "/bookmark (Name) (URL)" create a simple name to open url.
AuctionHouse - Updates/Fix.
FriendsList - Show player status/level
New-Spell - (Fire-Place) regenerates HP/SP in area - attracts monsters near you.
Silver-Dagger | 3d9 | 3d10 | NONE | 26 |
Xelima-Dagger | 2d7 | 2d8 | 50% HP Damage | 26 |
Life-Dagger | 2d7 | 2d8 | Life-Steal 100% Damage | 26 |
Frost-Dagger | 2d8 | 2d9 | Freeze Target | 26 |
Kloness-Dagger | 2d7 | 2d8 | Rep add damage | 26 |
KlonessBow | 2d8 | 2d9 | Rep add damage | 52 |
IceBow | 1d8+2 | 1d9+2 | Freeze Target | 52 |
XelimaBow | 3d9 | 3d10 | 50% HP Damage | 52 |
Version (006):
Armor(LifeSteal) - New
Armor(ManaSteal) - New
Mailsystem - New
AuctionHouse - New
Rank Skill Updates - New/Update
Security(2.0) - Update
Armorbreak(all) - Fix
Raid Timer - Fix
Civlian Bug - Fix
Area Damage spell is a ek kill - Fix
Teleport Bug - Fix
Firebow - Fix
Directionbow - Fix
Version (005):
Ench. Skill
Archer Class - chose class from gail, bows require less str, charisma enhance Archers damge&hitingprob, and new armor for Archers
Rankskills - 33 new skills added for ranks
PartyMembers on Mini Map
DarkKnight sold for Mejestic
CharInfo2 DialogBox(shows hitprob/DifRatio/Class/EnchSkills/Rankskills)
Skill %s reset to 20%s manuals(%s lvl faster)
AlchemyUpdate(Potions % required for creation altered)
BallDropRate Changed(Secondary Drop)
Upgrade Weapon/Armor %(Fixed to better chance) per upgrade
Autimatic Events
Item Sales prize change
Live Event list in game
Teleport list for gold from cityhall
Protection from magic/Arrows %chance to dodge dmg
New Spells Absalute magic/arrow protect.
New - Addons to client(allowed modifications to game) - is monitored
New commands - ("/setaccess", "/removeaccess") guildmaster command to set another guildmaster.
Exp Raised for (Hellclaw, Tigerworm, Fire-Wyvern, Wyvern)
Ench - % chance of Dimon increased a bit
New Potions - See Alchemy guide to see new potions
New Ek upgrade - If eked you are no longer ek for 2min & cant drop
Security(0.6) - detect speed hacks enhanced
New Resolution option 800 x 600
Fix Inhibit Casting spell
Fix Account in use / Map change connection lost
Fix - Character Creation & Character Deletion
Fix - Rank skill use / cooldown / Timer
Fix - None exist Item depletion fix
Fix - Crafting to MS14 necklace is now fix (also few more rank skills fixed)
Fix - Crafting Magic Jewelry (Completion is calculated by Purity of items)
Fix - Ench. + on items are not replaced when item is enchanted
Fix - Crafting % Completion on Jewelry (random % from 1-100)(20% chance for over 100%)
Fix - Inhibit Casting (Pfm now protects from it)
Fix - Effect on the new spells (Mzerk,MHeal,PHeal,Scan)
Fix - Frame Limit on client to 100fps max.
Fix - Bag Jumble when tp to map.
Fix - Dk armor upgrade.
Fix - Angel allow +22.
Fix - StormBringer requires 65int
Fix - ForceRecall
Fix - Medusa Neck to resist Medusa Sword
Fix - MiniMap Fix crash.
MagicStone, MagicRuby, MagicSaphire, MagicDimon - for Ench.
Ench.Manual - Gives 20% Ench. Skill
ArcherLeather, ArcherTrousers, MasterArcher, MasterAHose - Archer armor
WrathAxe | 4d11 | 4d12 | NONE | 182 |
MasahiroSword | 2d12 | 3d14 | NONE | 104 |
GladiusSword | 3d14 | 2d12 | NONE | 104 |
SteelBow | 3d9 | 2d8 | NONE | 52 |
RobbinHoodsBlade | 2d12+2 | 2d13+2 | NONE | 0 |
YberFlam1 | 2d12+4 | 2d13+4 | NONE | 130 |
1HandedFlameberge | 2d8+2 | 2d10+2 | NONE | 130 |
PesantBlade | 1d8 | 1d12 | NONE | 65 |
Intimidator | 4d12+2 | 4d14+2 | NONE | 195 |
BloodNegotiator | 4d10+6 | 4d12+6 | NONE | 195 |
DemonBattleHammer | 3d9+4 | 3d11+4 | NONE | 182 |
TheDevastation | 3d12+2 | 3d14+2 | NONE | 195 |
BloodLust | 2d14+2 | 2d15+2 | Special | 156 |
DragonSwordOfFire | 2d12+2 | 3d14+3 | Special | 182 |
DragonSwordOfIce | 2d12+2 | 3d14+3 | Special | 182 |
DragonSwordOfEarth | 2d12+2 | 3d14+3 | Special | 182 |
TheRapist | 2d11+4 | 2d12+4 | Special | 152 |
GladiatorBlade | 3d14 | 3d14 | NONE | 195 |
HeavenSword | 2d14+5 | 3d15+5 | NONE | 156 |
UltimaXelimaRing | 0 | 0 | Special | |
UltimaFreezeRing | 0 | 0 | Special | |
UltimaMerienRing | 0 | 0 | Special | |
RingOfTheUntouchable | 0 | 0 | Special |
Version (004):
New Commands - "/summonguild name" & "/summonguildall" - summons guildmembers-cost 5kGold.
FriendsList - Add players to your characters friendslist, saves your friends.
RankSystem - Rankpoints gained from NpcBosses/Eks/Quest Rankpoints gives you higher Rank.
NewQuest and Awards.
Security(0.3) - Account protection.
Security(0.4) - Socket Flood protection.
Fix characterServer - 100% working.
Fix GameServer - 100% crash free.
Fix Guilddismiss.
Version (003):
New - working angels
Hammer strip 100% working
Fixed - Crafting